Small Business Rebound Necessary for Economic Recovery

Small Business Rebound Necessary for Economic Recovery

JUNE 11, 2020

Small Business Rebound Necessary for Economic Recovery
Ontario Chamber & Burlington Chamber: RBC report underscores vital need to focus on small business recovery

(Toronto – June 11, 2020) – Today, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) released Small Business, Big Pivot: A devasting downturn, and how Canadian enterprises can transition. The report contains proprietary economic research which outlines how the landscape has shifted for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The document also includes a tangible plan to help Canadian small businesses thrive in a post-pandemic economy.

“The recession at-hand is unlike the one Canada or the world witnessed in 2008, in terms of both its structure and scale,” says, President & CEO, Carla Y. Nell. “The majority of our members are small businesses; businesses that are cornerstones of our community and the engine of Ontario’s economy. The data presented in RBC’s report echoes the concerns that we have been hearing from small businesses, one of the groups hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

RBC’s analysis found that small firms experienced twice the number of job losses in comparison to mid- and large-sized firms in Canada. Women, youth, minorities, and First Nations were found to have been particularly impacted since they tend to be are employed within the most disrupted parts of the small-business economy. The report also identifies which industries face significant challenges (i.e., accommodation and food service) and those that are in a stronger position to manage short-term losses (i.e., manufacturing and wholesale trade).

“Small Business, Big Pivot underscores that small firms need to leverage new technologies with the aim of adapting to the virtual economy. This will be further explored in our upcoming policy brief, Small Business, Big Impact: How SMEs are Pivoting During COVID-19, which will be released on June 22, profiling how various small businesses have succeeded in this regard,” says Rocco Rossi, President and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC).

Both reports identify the rise in e-commerce as Canadians take advantage of online shopping and home delivery options. Small businesses that have successfully leveraged technology and online platforms are identified as remaining resilient during this unprecedented period. Yet, changing consumer trends present challenges for small firms, especially those that are digital novices, have limited capital, or are located in parts of the province with poor or unreliable broadband internet access.

“As consumer behaviour shifts, the ability of small businesses to adapt and pivot will be a major determinant of Ontario’s long-term economic recovery. While the federal and provincial governments have taken swift action and extraordinary steps to keep small businesses afloat, permanent closures will have ramifications for local supply chains, workers, and communities alike. Policymakers, therefore, should consider the recommendations contained in Small Business, Big Pivot, as we continue to strengthen small businesses and work towards Canada’s economic rebuild,” Rossi added.

Read RBC’s Report.


Media Contact
Lindsay Stevenson
Strategic Communications Coordinator
289 208 2844

Team Burlington Launches the Burlington Economic Recovery Network

Team Burlington Launches the Burlington Economic Recovery Network

May 4, 2020 – Burlington’s business support organizations, known as Team Burlington, are pleased to announce the launch of the Burlington Economic Recovery Network.

Comprised of Burlington Economic Development, the Burlington Chamber of Commerce, Burlington Downtown Business Association, Aldershot Village BIA, and Tourism Burlington, Team Burlington has been working closely over the last several weeks to support the business community in dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.

The Burlington Economic Recovery Network will bring together key stakeholders and business leaders from across Burlington to develop a recovery strategy that will prepare our economy for recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The impacts of the global pandemic are already being felt locally and there is a strong need to align economic stakeholders and business support groups to position Burlington for short and long-term economic recovery.

In a joint statement made by the leadership of the Team Burlington organizations, “We’re being proactive. The Burlington Economic Recovery Network is a natural extension of the work Team Burlington is currently doing to support businesses in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.  The creation of the network is about preparing businesses to come out strong on the other side and help our local economy recover. Meaningful advocacy, as well as business support and programming, will be key outcomes.”

The impacts of COVID-19 are already being felt in our community and will continue to be felt long after the state of emergency has ended. It is anticipated that in Burlington alone, just under 2,000 businesses and 29,000 jobs may be directly affected. The network will work together to advocate for business support at all levels of government, including targeted relief measures and stimulus funding for the hardest hit sectors, which include agriculture, retail, tourism, healthcare and hospitality. The network will also focus on cutting “red tape” to help all sectors rebound and get back to business.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward is looking forward to how the Economic Recovery Network will help businesses through recovery. “Our local businesses have not been immune to the negative economic effects of the COVID-19 emergency. I’m very happy with the work Team Burlington has done so far and the support and guidance they have been offering to owners and staff. I support the launch of the Economic Recovery Network as it will work to address, wherever possible, any gaps in existing supports, such as directing guidance to help manufacturers retool; clarity on direct contacts for supports at federally- and provincially-announced programs; and any constraints on our municipality to support. The Economic Recovery Network will be focused on seeing our businesses through COVID-19 and ensuring they can get back on their feet after this crisis and that’s the light at the end of this tunnel that we need.”

More information on the Burlington Economic Recovery Network will be posted on the Team Burlington COVID-19 one-stop-shop resource site, hosted on burlingtonchamber.com.


Media Contact

Claire Green
Manager, Marketing and Attraction
Burlington Economic Development

Team Burlington Launches the #STAYHOME Campaign

Team Burlington Launches the #STAYHOME Campaign


Team Burlington launches STAY HOME to Get Back to Business campaign to encourage people to support local business by staying home.

April 27, 2020 — On March 23, the Ontario Government mandated all non-essential businesses to close. Since then, every business across all industries have felt the effects, with the hardest hit industries being agriculture, retail, tourism, healthcare and hospitality. Team Burlington’s STAY HOME campaign will encourage people to practice physical distancing, and ultimately help businesses open their doors sooner.

It isn’t just the hardest hit industries that are feeling the impacts of the global pandemic. Businesses of all sizes and across all industries are experiencing unprecedented challenges, including significant and unforeseen revenue loss, the need to lay off staff, supply chain disruptions, and uncertainty about the future of their business and when they will be able to reopen. Simultaneously, businesses are also facing tremendous pressure to digitize and shift existing business models to include online and contactless pick-up and delivery options.

Team Burlington recognizes these challenges and plans to leverage their audience and networks to help get Burlington businesses open as soon as possible. The STAY HOME (to Get Back to Business) campaign reinforces the message that is consistent with public health officials — the sooner people STAY HOME, the sooner the business community can open their doors and get back to business.

“Businesses of all sizes are being impacted by COVID-19″ said Brian Dean, Executive Director of Burlington Downtown Business Association, one of Burlington’s two Business Improvement Areas (the other being Aldershot Village BIA). “We hope this campaign will help Burlington residents understand that their actions and choices during this time have direct consequences on our business community. We are getting asked a lot about how people can support their local businesses. One of the things you can do is stay home and practice physical distancing as much as possible.”

Craig Kowalchuk, Owner of Emma’s Back Porch and the Water Street Cooker and President of the Burlington Restaurant Association echoed Brian’s sentiment. “Temporarily laying off staff and closing down the restaurant has been one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do in my twenty-eight years of operations.” He went on, “You can help us get back to business by staying home, reduce your trips to the store and minimize contact with others. We can’t wait to welcome you back, for our twenty-ninth summer, but we can’t do that until everyone stays home.”

The STAY HOME campaign will be launched across social media, as well as through window decals displayed in the windows of downtown businesses. A video campaign featuring local business owners from across Burlington will also help spread the message.

For more information, visit the Team Burlington COVID-19 one-stop-shop resource site at BurlingtonChamber.com

About Team Burlington

Burlington’s business organizations which include Burlington Chamber of Commerce, Burlington Downtown Business Association, Burlington Economic Development, Aldershot Village BIA and Tourism Burlington have taken a coordinated approach in engaging and supporting Burlington’s business community. Their collaborative mission during this difficult time is to keep the business community informed and ensure relevant and timely information is distributed as soon as it becomes available.

Team Burlington has launched a one-stop-shop resource for businesses to turn to for information, resources and tools, and can be found online here. Other initiatives have included setting up a business support line, organizing multiple virtual support forums, and advocating for businesses for support and effective relief measures at all levels of government. Learn more about Team Burlington here.

Media Contact:

Samantha Statham
Manager of Marketing & Events
Burlington Downtown Business Association / BDBA

Canadian Chamber and Government of Canada team up to launch Canadian Business Resilience Network to help businesses get through COVID-19

Canadian Chamber and Government of Canada team up to launch Canadian Business Resilience Network to help businesses get through COVID-19

This article first appeared on chamber.ca

(OTTAWA, ON) – April 6, 2020 – The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has established the Canadian Business Resilience Network (CBRN) in partnership with the Government of Canada to help the business community prepare, persevere and, ultimately, prosper in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CBRN is a coordinated, business-led, inclusive campaign that will focus on providing businesses the tools they need to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on them, our economy and communities across the country. Its goal is also to help businesses emerge from this crisis and drive Canada’s economic recovery.

The CBRN will:

  • Give tools and supports to businesses in their continuity efforts – from development to implementation.
  • Provide a consistent and reliable flow of accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Work closely with federal government and within the business community to ensure the right supports are in place, and to be a conduit for information from the government to the private sector (and vice versa).
  • Aim to instill confidence in Canadian business and the economy.

The campaign will feature:

  • A standalone website (chamber.ca/resource/cbrn/) that serves as a central hub for credible information, the latest news and insights, tools and resources and as a platform for engaging businesses.
  • Information sharing and awareness building initiatives, including newsletters and webinars.
  • Analysis and reporting on business, industry and economic trends across the country to see what is working and where gaps might exist.

The Canadian Business Resilience Network brings together the Canadian Chamber’s vast network of over 450 local chambers of commerce and boards of trade, along with over 100 of Canada’s leading business and industry associations, including the Business Council of Canada, the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, and Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. It will also have the support of partners such as Canada Life, Export Development Canada, Grant Thornton LLP, CWB Financial Group and Advertek.


“COVID-19 has provided us with an unprecedented challenge, but Canadians are resilient. The Canadian Business Resilience Network is about business and government stepping up together to make sure every Canadian business has the information it needs and a fighting chance to make it through,” said Jackie King, Chief Operating Officer, Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

“We know that Canadian businesses of all sizes are facing incredible economic hardship in these difficult and uncertain times. Our government is taking strong and decisive action to provide them with immediate relief—helping them keep costs low, keep up with their operational costs like rent, and keep Canadians employed. The Canadian Business Resilience Network will support businesses and keep them informed as we navigate this incredible challenge,” said the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade.

“Small- and medium-sized businesses are an integral part of the Canadian economy. We recognize that many businesses are challenged right now and we are wholeheartedly committed to supporting them however we can. This campaign is one way we can do exactly that,” said Jeff Macoun, President and Chief Operating Officer at Canada Life, presenting supporter of the CBRN campaign. “This campaign aligns perfectly with our mission to improve the financial, physical and mental well-being of Canadians, and we’re proud to support it.”


About the Canadian Chamber of Commerce – Because Business Matters
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce helps build the businesses that support our families, our communities and our country. We do this by influencing government policy, by providing essential business services and by connecting businesses to information they can use, to opportunities for growth and to a network of local chambers, businesses, decision-makers and peers from across the country, in every sector of the economy and at all levels of government, as well as internationally. We are unapologetic in our support for business and the vital role it plays in building and sustaining our great nation.

For more information, please contact:
Phil Taylor, Managing Director of External Communications, at ptaylor@chamber.ca.

Burlington’s Business Support Organizations Come Together as Team Burlington to Support Businesses Through COVID-19

Burlington’s Business Support Organizations Come Together as Team Burlington to Support Businesses Through COVID-19

(March, 30, Burlington) – The Burlington Chamber of Commerce, Burlington Economic Development, Burlington Downtown Business Association, Aldershot Village BIA, and Tourism Burlington have joined forces to offer support and help Burlington’s Business community navigate the economic impacts of COVID-19.

While the Team Burlington name is not new, COVID-19 has renewed the group’s collaborative mission to keep the business community informed and ensure relevant and timely information is distributed as soon as it becomes available. “Right now, it’s about pooling resources for the collective benefit of the business community,” explained Anita Cassidy, Executive Director of Burlington Economic Development. “That means daily scrum meetings, sharing information, engaging subject matter experts and government officials, and asking the tough questions to ensure we know what businesses need now, and what they’ll need in the future to come out strong on the other side.”

The first thing Team Burlington did to support businesses during COVID-19 was to launch a one-stop-shop resource for businesses to turn to for information, resources and tools. With so much information rolling out every day, the website, which is hosted on burlingtonchamber.com, aims to provide the latest government updates, toolkits, support programs, economic relief information and resources all in place.

Carla Nell, President and CEO of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce also spoke to the power of working together.

“Our membership already trusts that we’ll take a strong stance to advocate for their interests. Through this team approach, we’ll be able to do even more and extend our reach further to ensure all businesses of all sizes and industries feel supported and heard during these difficult times, and to position them for recovery in the longer term.”

Team Burlington is planning a series of COVID-19 virtual business support forums to give business leaders the opportunity to ask questions and hear from subject matter experts and key government officials at the local and regional levels, as well as Provincial and Federal. One will also be dedicated to small business support. The first forum, dedicated to local and regional support, will take place on April 2 at 10 am. More details and registration information are available at burlingtonchamber.com.

The global COVID-19 pandemic is putting substantial pressure on the Burlington business community. Mandatory closures, necessary social distancing measures, layoffs and supply chain disruptions are putting immense pressure on businesses of all sizes. However, it is Team Burlington’s hope that through communication, advocacy, and the right relief measures, Burlington’s business community will remain steadfast in its short-term and long-term recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

Media Contacts

Lindsay Stevenson
Strategic Communications Coordinator, Burlington Chamber of Commerce

Claire Green
Manager, Marketing & Attraction, Burlington Economic Development


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