


Ontario Chamber of Commerce

For over 100 years the Ontario Chamber of Commerce has been the independent, non-partisan voice of Ontario business and is made up of a network of chambers of commerce and boards of trade—the key drivers of Ontario’s economy, advancing policy, developing key partnerships, and shaping the conversation on important issues. The Chamber Network is a respected voice among government decision-makers with its solutions-based advocacy.

When you join the Burlington Chamber of Commerce, you automatically become a member of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC), a strong network of over 60,000 business owners just like you, from all corners of the province.


4 Reasons Why This Membership Benefits You:

1. As the largest, most influential, and credible business network in the province, your priorities will be heard loud and clear at Queen’s Park and on Parliament Hill.

2. Regular updates on the issues that impact businesses bottom lines, like regulatory developments, legislative changes, and market trends.

3. Providing tools and resources that can help grow businesses locally, nationally, and internationally.

4. Access information on programs and possible funding opportunities.



Canadian Chamber of Commerce

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is made up of a network of more than 450 chambers of commerce and boards of trade across Canada.  Together it represents over 200,000 businesses of all sizes and from all sectors of the economy.

When you join the Burlington Chamber of Commerce you automatically become a part of this growing network which is the most influential business association whose views on national and international issues are sought after and respected by government, business leaders and media.


4 Reasons Why This Membership Benefits You:

1. The power to shape policy is inherent as since 1925, the Canadian Chamber has been connecting businesses of all sizes, from all sectors of the economy and in every federal riding across the country to advocate for public policies that will foster a strong, competitive economic environment that benefits businesses, communities and families across Canada.

2. As a result of its broad business perspective, the Canadian Chamber’s views are sought after and respected by government, business leaders and the media.

3. In Ottawa, the Canadian Chamber meets regularly with cabinet ministers, deputy ministers, members of Parliament and senior government officials.

4. The Canadian Chamber has registered federal lobbyists on staff working on issues pertaining to your interests and those of other Canadian businesses.

Local chambers of commerce or boards of trade represent your business interests at the municipal, regional, provincial and territorial levels of government, with the Canadian Chamber leading on national and international issues.


Chambers Executives of Ontario

Chamber Executives of Ontario is the professional development association for senior management and membership development/sales staff of Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade in Ontario.

This helps to provide the Burlington Chamber with the opportunity of meeting with Chamber peers, learning from each other, comparing, trading and developing new ideas so that, together, we build the Chamber management profession and a stronger Ontario.


Chambers Executives of Canada

The Chamber of Commerce Executives of Canada is Canada’s professional development association for chamber executives from across the country.  Since 1967, the CCEC has been promoting professionalism and best practices in the field of chamber management.

Benefits of CCEC membership include:
Annual professional development conference
Networking opportunities with peers from across the country



2006 – Canadian Chamber of Commerce Competition Award for Best Innovative Communications Project2010 – Ontario Chamber Chair’s Award for Economic Uncertainty

2011– Ontario Chamber Chair’s Award for HST Workshop Series

2013 – Ontario Chamber Advocacy Award for Lobbying to Change Burlington’s Economic Development Strategy

2016 – Ontario Chamber Chair’s Award for Bay Area Economic Summit

2021 – Ontario Chamber Award for Outstanding Advocacy Campaign Award

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